Lecture: Python Object Model

Jerry Cain - Stanford

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Lecture Description

Rewriting RSG to Illustrate all Three Paradigms and Lambdas in Python, How Objects Are Implemented in Python, Python Dictionary Implementation, Writing an RSG Grammar in Python Using A Dictionary and Lists, Expanding the Start Terminal Using all Three Paradigms at Once, Changing the Expand Function to A Binary Function, Modifying the Map to Use A Python Lambda Function As A Result, Python Object Model From A Memory Standpoint, How Objects Are Passed By Reference and How Lists Are Copied, How to Make A Deeper Copy of an Object in Python Using Copy or Deepcopy, Objects and Classes in Python, How They Are Stored As Dictionaries, Example of A Class Constructor and How it Creates Initializes the Class's Data, Rest of the Python Lexicon Implementation, Python Object Interface, Accessing the Underlying Dictionay of an Object, Inserting New Values into an Object's Underlying Dictionary

Course Description

Topics include: Advanced memory management features of C and C++; the differences between imperative and object-oriented paradigms; the functional paradigm (using LISP) and concurrent programming (using C and C++); brief survey of other modern languages such as Python, Objective C, and C#.

Prerequisites: Programming and problem solving at the Programming Abstractions level. Prospective students should know a reasonable amount of C++. You should be comfortable with arrays, pointers, references, classes, methods, dynamic memory allocation, recursion, linked lists, binary search trees, hashing, iterators, and function pointers. You should be able to write well-decomposed, easy-to-understand code, and understand the value that comes with good variable names, short function and method implementations, and thoughtful, articulate comments.

from course: Computer Science III: Programming Paradigms


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