Lecture: Nervous System II

Marian Diamond - Berkeley

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Lecture Description

Professor Diamond continues her discussion of the nervous system beginning with processes - extensions of the soma.She describes axons, dendrites and the types of synapses: axodendritic, axoaxomic, axosomatic, and dendrodentritic.She then describes how neurotransmitters travel from the presynaptic terminal of an axon to the postsynaptic terminal of a dendrite in an axodendritic synapse.Professor Diamond continues with neuron classifications by size, discussing the varied sizes of granule cells and anterior horn cells, followed by classifications by shape and structure, discussing unipolar, bipolar, multiple polar, and pseudounipolar cells. Next, she discusses the definitions of nerves including cranial and spinal nerves, tracts, ganglia and dorsal root ganglia, and nuclei, while pointing out their locations in respect to the central nervous system.She transitions into a conversation on the types of neuroglia and details the function of astrocytes, a type of macroglia. After describing how astrocytes enable MRI scans, she begins a discussion on radial glia, pyramidal cells, and their ties to schizophrenia. She concludes by showing images of the various cells discussed throughout the lecture.

Course Description

The functional anatomy of the human body as revealed by gross and microscopic examination.

from course: General Human Anatomy


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